tiny-vis.js [?b] - tiny-vis-min.js.gz [?b]
The t.vis-System requires only tiny.js. In Internet Explorer, the lack of Support for Canvas can be compensated through solutions like iecanvas or chromeframe. Other scripts are not necessary.
The t.vis-Function receives its Data inside an Object and returns a Visualisation-Object.
The Options-Object will be saved inside the .opts-Property gespeichert and can be manipulated anytime.
.render, .append, .replace, .draw, .color, .box, .pie, .map
Additional Methods can be written inside the prototype "t.vis._".
var test=t.vis({type:'pie', width:200, height:200, canvas:document.getElementById('chart'), data:[10, 25, 185, 49, 100, 27.5, 47.2], colors:{0:[64,0,0,1], 10:[255,0,0,1], 50:[192,192,0,1], 85:[0,127,255,1], 100:[0,0,255,1]}, helplines:{color:'rgba(192,192,192,0.5)', interval:10}, stroke:{width:0.5, color:'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)'}});
© 2010 Alex Kloss