tiny-browser.js - Browser Detection for tinyJS

tiny-browser.js fills an Object t.b, in which informations about the current browser are stored.


tiny-browser.js [897b] - tiny-browser-min.js.gz [433b]


The t.b-Object requires only tiny.js. Other scripts are not necessary.


t.b should be used as read-only-object, though it is not; still changing it is discouraged, because other scripts using its informations can be confused.

Format and Demonstration

Das Objekt t.b has the following format:

    name: '[Browser-Name]',
    version: NaN,
    versionDetail: [""],
    undefined: NaN
    os: { name: '[Operating System]', version: [Operating System Version] },
    id: [UserAgent-String in lower case],
    info: [UserAgent-Info-Object]